I am running Kali Linux on a Dell Latitude 7350 laptop. The OS is installed on a 512G external USB drive with persistence enabled. I thought it might be slow compared to a dual boot but not at all!
For taking notes, I’m using Cherry Tree. It is a very nice app with a lot of options such as PDF export etc.
My favourite proxy tool is Burp Suite. The community edition is awesome!
and then in not a specific order, my fav tools are:
- nmap
- nikto
- sqlmap
- wpscan
- linenum
- foxy proxy (For Burp)
- exploitdb
- python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 (To upload file on my target) – Or python3 -m http.server
- gobuster
- hydra
- seclists
- wfuzz
- John
For now I’m trying to avoid Metasploit. This is something you should use only when you understand how to do pen-testing the hard way.
Here is a nice list of VMs I collecting from different people. It was very useful so I share here what I collected:
- Basement
- Brainpan
- Tr0ll
- Tr0ll2
- VulnOSv2
- SickOS 1.2
- PWnOS_V2.0
- Pinky V1
- Pinky v2
- Mr Robot
- Kioptrix4
- Frikileaks
- Temple of Doom
- SkyTower
- StackOverflows